Dedication Ceremony for Resnick Sustainability Center at Caltech

We had the privilege of attending the dedication of the Resnick Sustainability…

Caltech Announces Grand Opening of the Resnick Sustainability Center

As Caltech kicks off their new academic year, we celebrate the grand opening of…

Design to Documentation

Exploring our workflow for Resnick Sustainability Center at Caltech. From Rhino…

ENR profiles the University of Utah’s new Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine

We are thrilled to share that Engineering News-Record has published an in-depth…

ACLA’s Annual DXD (Design by Diversity) Day

Yazdani Studio recently took part in the 2024 DxD (Design by Diversity) Day,…

Two Design Awards From AIA Pasadena & Foothill Chapter

AIA Pasadena & Foothill Chapter awarded two design awards to the Yazdani Studio…

Sci-Arc’s Open Studio Event

Rene Perez Ignacio, Haisheng Xu, Dylan Hart, and David Quinn represented the…

Los Angeles Business Council Award Winner

Museum of Tolerance Los Angeles was honored at the 53rd Annual Los Angeles…

International Architecture Awards 2023 Winners

The Caltech Resnick Sustainability Institute was recently awarded an…