We are thrilled to share the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s (SWC) Mobile Museum of Tolerance (MMOT) is recognized in multiple categories of Fast Company’s prestigious 2021 Innovation by Design Awards.
Specifically, the MMOT received Honorable Mention in both the Spaces, Places and Cities and Social Good categories of this year’s awards program. The Innovation by Design awards annually recognize the leading design ideas, companies and organizations actively working to make the world a safer, fairer, more beautiful place.
The immersive MMOT is the SWC Illinois’ flagship educational initiative. Designed by our Yazdani Studio of CannonDesign, the state-of-the-art bus is fitted with interactive tech and theater seating to provide one-of-a-kind learning experiences to students and adults alike. The purpose of the MMOT is to empower people of all ages and backgrounds to raise their voices and act against anti-Semitism, bullying, racism, hate and intolerance, and to promote human dignity.

The bus’ exterior is adorned with the images of famous human rights leaders throughout history. Inside, MMOT programs use powerful emotive and cognitive stimuli to address pressing social issues in ways that complement and supplement existing school and community resources. The MMOT can also equip teachers and schools with follow up lesson plan material to build on the mobile museum’s key messages.
The SWC created the content for the museum and our Yazdani Studio team designed the spaces where their content can flourish and positively impact lives and generations. Led by Academy Award winners Rabbi Hier and Richard Trank, the SWC team consistently shapes incredible content – helping them win two Oscars over time.
The Yazdani Studio has a longstanding relationship with the SWC, previously designing an Anne Frank exhibit, a recently opened Social Lab in Los Angeles, and other forthcoming projects in Jerusalem and beyond.